Choosing the Perfect Vacation Rental Property

What are the most important things to consider when choosing a Vacation Property?  First thing you need to determine is location. Here in Arizona we have many choices for great vacation rental locations.  You can choose a location close to golfing, hiking, spring training, or a sleepy area to just enjoy the quiet and sunshine.  

Once you have determined the location you need to decide on the type and size of property you would prefer. If it is something you are going to use personally? Do you need a certain amount of beds? Are there certain  features you want or are you strictly looking for the highest return on your investment? Typically smaller units such as a one or two bedroom condos will give you a higher ROI but their is still a demand for larger houses, if that is what works best for you family. Properties that have pools, spa, views, walking distance to amenities are all features that help sell a property. Don't forget to calculate in the expenses of upkeep. The smaller condos may have higher HOA fees but your yard and pool maintenance as well as roof warranties are usually included. Some guests are willing to pay the higher cost for the privacy of a home. It is important to weigh the different options. Don't forget to make sure that short term rentals are allowed in the community you are looking in. Some associations have rules limiting your rental abilities.  If you have decided to become a vacation rental owner, reach out today so that we can guide you in setting up or purchasing a property.